Before you design your logo or write a clever slogan, you need to identify your USP. This is what gives you an advantage over your competitors as it differentiates you from them. So what constitutes an effective USP?
A winning USP:

  • Makes a proposition to the customer that you will provide a specific benefit to them
  • Includes a benefit that your competitors can’t or don’t offer
  • Is a strong enough promise that it attracts customers Examples of successful USPs include Apple’s commitment to the most intuitive, sleekly designed technology, Spar’s focus on speed and convenience (or opening hours) and Ryan Air’s focus on price. Start by asking yourself and your team members to identify the following:


The business you are in

  • Your current and desired customers
  • Your competition
  • What makes you different
  • The unique benefits that you offer your customers


Remember: “It’s more important to be different than it is to be better.”

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